Vission and Mission

Vission and Mission Our VISION becomes our MISSION. We dared to dream and our dream took shape. Like wise we allow our children to dream and we equip them with the ability to realize their dreams.

At the Pre School Level the focus is on creating a homely, loving atmosphere, where children do not miss home but slowly begin to love their school. They are taught to get along with others, share and of course they learn their ABC’s and 3R’s. We have deliberately kept the pace of our teaching process slow since we believe in building a strong foundation.

At the Primary level a blend of conventional and unconventional methods of instruction are adopted. The number of students in each class is limited, for all practical purposes. No doubt, while academics takes a predominant position, over all development of each pupil and his well being are factors we do not ignore.

Fostering Excellence at the Secondary level is what we aim at. Our Motto ‘Ever High’ endeavors to help our students achieve their true potential not just in academics but also in their physical well being and moral decisiveness, so that each one can lead a productive and responsible life.

The overall educational pattern is so designed so as to adapt to the needs of each individual student and therefore emphasis is laid on picking out a realistic approach towards the path of improvement.

Our aim is to offer the best and make the schooling years of each and every child fruitful and enjoyable. What else is childhood all about?